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2022 Fall Junior Team Tennis


Who's ready to join in the JTT FUN this fall? The time is here!

What is JTT? Junior Team Team Tennis is a FUN level-based team competition for kids ages 10 and up. Sign up as a team or as an individual. Teams can be all girls, all boys or or combination of both! Gain valuable match ploy experience in a fun, social league environment!

2022 Fall Information

Registration Opens: Now open and ends on September 12th

Season: September 18'" through November 6" - Sunday Afternoons

Age Divisions: 10s - Advanced - Green Ball, 12&Under - Beg/Int - Green Ball, 12&Under -

Adv - Yellow Ball, 14&Under - Beg/Int, and 18& Under Beg/Int -Juniors must be the age

they sign up for through December 2022.

Levels: Recreational = Beginner player or player that occasionally plays. Players must be

able to serve and keep ball in play.

Experienced = Players that play extensively on school teams, lessons, USTA

tournament players, etc.

Format: 1 doubles and 1 singles followed by 1 doubles and 1 singles. 6 Game Pro-Set. Total

games won determines the winners. Approximately 6 needed for a team depending on


Cost: $33.00 per player for season

Registration: We encourage players to get a group of friends, school teammates, etc. and

sign up as a team but you can also register as an individual and be put on a team.

USTA: Junior USTA memberships are FREE! You do have to have a USTA # to


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