The Winston-Salem Open
This ATP World Tour 250 Event is held each August at Wake Forest University. Top players come to compete in this final tournament in the nine-tournament series leading up to the US Open. In 2024, Qualifying will be held August 17, 2024 and the Main Draw will be August 18-26, 2024. The Wake Forest Tennis Complex is located at 100 West 32nd Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27105.
The Winston-Salem Open is a charitable non-profit whose proceeds benefit many in the local community. The primary charitable partner is the Winston-Salem / Forsyth County Schools middle school athletic programs. The Winston-Salem Open proceeds helped bring back cross country programs and expand tennis to all of the middle schools in Forsyth County.
For tickets and detailed information, please visit the Winston-Salem Open website at www.winstonsalemopen.com